Investing and Financial Independence Blogs

Investing Blogs

On this page is Dividend Power’s list of Investing and Financial Independence Blogs. It is a list of blogs that investors may find helpful. The list of blogs is comprised of dividend investing, financial independence, and personal investing and trading. It’s a great way to see how other dividend investors structure their investment portfolios, get some ideas on how to start investing, and stay motivated on the road to financial independence.

If you are a blogger and want your blog listed on this site, follow me on Twitter and send me a note or sign up for the e-mail list and send me an e-mail.nvesting Blogs

Dividend Investing Blogs

All About The Dividends – A Canadian blog by Matthew, a 30-something-year-old who started investing at age 13. He blogs about his journey on dividend investing and improving his finances. The blog dates back to 2016. It includes information about his investment portfolio and passive dividend income.

Blue Collar Bill – A blog authored by Bill from Michigan in the US. He is a former Marine who has worked in a factory for more than 25 years. Bill lived paycheck to paycheck and used his credit cards as an emergency fund. He eventually filed for bankruptcy. Today, he is pursuing FIRE with a target date of February 28, 2031. This blog is new, starting in 2021.

Chickenwizard’s DivBlog – An American blog that is written by an author in Seattle. He has an interesting story about his first two stocks, Tesla (TSLA) and AT&T (T). Since then, he has broadened his portfolio to many more dividend growth stocks. In addition, he blogs about his portfolio, buys and sells, passive income, and vinyl record collection. The blog dates back to 2019.

Dividend Driven – A blog from the U.S. by a 40-something year old that lives in North Carolina. He works in the technology space. He is a dividend growth investor and blogs about his journey to inspire others. His goal is to retire and live off dividends and social security. The blog dates back to 2014 and includes details on the author’s investments, passive dividend income stream, net worth, purchases, and competition with other bloggers. This site is no longer active.

Dividends From Scratch – This is a relatively new blog from a former Boglehead that became a dividend growth investor. The author is 35 years old and from Israel. He maintains a DGI feed with a lot of good blogs on there. This site is no longer active.

Dividend Growth Engine – A European blog about dividend growth investing with a focus on retirement. The blog dates back to 2018 and includes an investment portfolio and dividend income. The blog also details monthly spending.

DivGro – This site is run by my colleague FerdiS. He blogs primarily about dividend growth investing. In addition, he writes about options such as selling covered calls and puts. This blog is one of the longest running dividend blogs, dating back to 2013. FerdiS is also a Seeking Alpha author and collaborates with me at Portfolio Insight. I am an affiliate of Portfolio Insight. You can get 20% off the first year’s annual subscription price of $330. The following link for Portfolio Insight* makes the cost to you is only $264.

Dividend Horizon – This is a new site run by Alexandru Artenie. He blogs mainly about dividend stocks on this site. Besides blogging, he is the author of several books on dividend investing. Alex has built several passive income streams on this road to financial freedom. He aims to share his experience and knowledge with other investors. This blog dates to 2024.

Dividend Hawk – This site is a popular Finnish blog about dividend growth investing on the road to financial independence. The blog dates back to 2013. It includes an investment portfolio, dividend income, and watch list.

DivHut – An American blog by Keith Park. The author is in his mid-40’s. He is an internet entrepreneur and world traveler. He blogs about dividend investing with the intent to inform and entertain others about stock investing. This blog provides pretty good detail on his investment portfolio and dividend income. This blog is an older one dating back to 2014.

Dividend Town – This blog is an American blog by Kyle. He is trying to track his portfolio and hold himself accountable. Kyle’s goal is to reach $1 million using a dividend growth strategy. The blog tracks his portfolio and weekly progress. This blog is a newer one dating back to October 2021. This site is no longer active.

Engineer My Freedom – This blog is a European blog by Derek. He was in debt and jobless and broke. He paid off his debt and started on his path to financial freedom. Derek is trying to generate multiple passive dividend income streams, including dividend investing, a cafe, and blogging. He blogs mainly about dividend investing and personal finance. The blog was started in 2019.

Financial Freedom Is A Journey – A Canadian blog by Charles Fournier. He retired in 2016 at the age of 56 after working in banking for 34 years. Today, he writes about equities and investing. He also writes for Seeking Alpha. Many of his articles are on dividend growth stocks. The blog dates back to 2016.

Focus on Dividends – A blog that dates back to 2016. The blog focuses on dividend stocks, investments, and achieving financial independence. There is a relatively long list of other active dividend or financial independence blogs.

Just-Dividends – A Canadian blog by Christoph, who is originally from Germany. The blog is about his dividend stock investment portfolio and includes both Canadian and U.S. stocks. He also writes some excellent stock analyses and discusses personal finance. This blog is no longer active.

Kody’s Dividends – An American blog by Kody from Central Wisconsin who blogs about the power of dividend growth investing and unlocking financial freedom. He believes in the concepts of Financial Independence Retire Early (FIRE) and Dividend Growth Investors (DGI). His ultimate goal is to retire by age 35. The blog dates back to 2018 and includes an investment portfolio and dividend income.

Life with Dividends – A blog written by a hardware engineer in his mid-30s from America. He writes about his journey to financial independence. He is a huge fan of dividend growth investing. His goal is to motivate others to begin their journey towards financial independence. The blog is relatively new and dates back to May 2021.

MoneyByRamey – This site focuses on financial freedom by generating active or passive income. Active income is money from jobs or independent contracting. Passive income is money from dividends, rental properties, savings accounts, etc. The website is owned and run by Matt Ramey, who works at a commodity trading firm. He wants to influence others through his writing and teaching positively. The site dates back to 2017.

Money Maaster – A Canadian blog by Jordan from Winnipeg, Manitoba. He blogs about stocks that pay a safe and growing dividend with a history of earnings growth. This blog is unique since Jordan also blogs about his bar, cocktails, whiskey, and other spirit reviews. This site is no longer active.

More Dividends – A U.S. blog by Jason. He blogs about his quest for financial freedom. He focuses on value and dividend growth investing. The blog includes information on his investment portfolio, dividend income, and recent buys. There are also some free spreadsheets.

My Dividend Dynasty – A U.S. dividend blog by Robert, born and raised in New York City. He blogs about his journey to achieve financial independence by saving and investing in dividend stocks. The blog dates back to 2017.

One Million Journey – A blog by Tony, who is originally from Spain but now lives in England. He blogs about his goal of one million Euros. The blog dates back to late-2018.

Polliesdividend – A blog from the Netherlands by ‘Pollie.’ He is a 40-something-year-old guy with a family and a day job. He blogs about his progress to his ultimate goal of financial independence. Another popular blog dates back to 2014. It includes an investment portfolio, dividend income, goals, ten rules for stock screening, and book reviews. Pollie’s site seems to be down after a period of inactivity.

Romes Blog – This blog was started by David from Illinois. He is 34 and wants to retire at age 55. He blogs about dividend investing, financial news, and his personal portfolio. The blog dates back to 2015.

Sure Dividend – This site is an investment website operated by Ben Reynolds from the U.S. The website dates back to 2014. There are lots of free articles and lists on the website. There is a member’s only area that gives you access to spreadsheets and data. A paid premium section allows one to access the monthly newsletters and a database with research on individual stocks. Disclosure: Dividend Power provides research analysis on several stocks for Sure Dividend’s database. I am also an Affiliate of Sure Dividend. The following link will give $41 off for the Sure Dividend Newsletter* or you can use the Sure Dividend Coupon Code DP41S.


Subscribe to one of the Sure Dividend newsletters. They analyze 850+ income securities every quarter to find the best income securities for members. This is real research, not a quick computer screen.

  • The Sure Dividend Newsletter focuses on investing in high-quality dividend growth stocks with a focus on expected total returns. It is Sure Dividend’s flagship newsletter.
  • The Sure Retirement Newsletter focuses on investing in high yielding stocks, REITs, and MLPs. All recommendations must have a dividend yield of at least 4%.
  • The Sure Passive Income Newsletter focuses on investing in high-quality dividend growth stocks with a buy and hold forever approach.

Dividend Power readers can use the Sure Dividend coupon code DP41S for $41 off any newsletter, reducing your price from $199/year to just $158/year (7-day free trial).

Financial Independence Retire Early (FIRE) Blogs

Accidentally Retired – An blog from the U.S. by a 36-year-old former CEO of a bootstrapped start-up that had 50+ employees and $15 million a year in revenue. He engineered his exit in 2020. Mr. Accidently Retired now works on what he wants to generate a passive dividend income stream for his family. He blogs about his exploration for Financial Independence, Early Retirement, Enjoying Life, and more.

Dinks Finance – This sizeable American blog is now part of the District Media portfolio. The site aims to deliver high-quality personal finance news and advice that informs, empowers, educates, and entertains the public. The blog dates back to 2006 and was started in the District of Columbia. It now reaches 10 million visitors.

A Frugal Family’s Journey – This site is an American blog about a family of four from California on their journey to financial independence. The blog details their dividend investment portfolio and mortgage balance. The blog dates back to 2014, with some information going back to 2005.

Frugal Expat – A blog by Steve, an American who lives in Taipei, Taiwan, with his wife. He works there as an English teacher. He also blogs to help people do better in saving, investing, and working towards financial independence. The blog dates back to June 2020.

Frugal Fortunes – A blog by Brain Kehm from Maryland, USA. Brian is a CFA and also a world traveler. He blogs about his journey to financial freedom. One interesting point he emphasizes is the difference between being frugal and being cheap. His goal is to reach financial independence by the time he is 35 in about 2027.

Freedom 35 Blog – A Canadian blog by Liquid, who is married and in his mid-30s from Vancouver. He blogs about personal finance, investing early retirement, and passive dividend income creation. He became financially independent in 2020 after 12 years and two years ahead of schedule. This site is an older blog dating back to November 2010.

Get Rich Brothers – A Canadian blog by two brothers, Rick and Ryan. They have a common goal of bringing straightforward talk about finances to the masses. This site is an older blog that dates back to 2014. The brothers provide monthly investment portfolio updates and quarterly dividend reports.

OthalaFehu – An American blog about personal net worth and financial independence. OthalaFehu is based on an ancient Germanic writing system. Othala is the run for ancestral home, the hearth, and sacred enclosure. Fehu represents power and possessions gained by own hand, the measure of earned wealth. This blog is by a husband and wife team from the midwest who are both government lawyers. The blog dates back to January 2017.

Reverse The Crush – A Canadian blog about financial independence through dividend investing, personal finance, blogging, and flexible work. The author, Graham, who is from Toronto, is also a photographer. The blog dates back to 2017 and includes monthly updates.

Rick Orford – A Canadian site founded by entrepreneur and businessman Rick Orford. The site covers saving, earning money, and investing. Rick became financially independent at 35 despite dropping out of high school. He also owns a travel blog. The site dates back to 2019.

RV-on-FIRE – A blog written by two married Americans who achieved financial independence and retired early. They are now full-time travelers and bloggers. They write about living life on the road with their RV and dividend stock portfolio. The blog dates back to 2019.

Side Hustle Rich – A blog by Richard from Singapore. He is a married father of two young boys. He blogs about his experiments and experience in creating multiple streams of income from side hustles. His goal is to achieve financial independence by 45. The blog dates back to 2018.

Personal Investing and Trading Blogs

Above The Green Line – This is a website and newsletter about trading. Steven Stowers runs both. He focuses on swing and day trading for advanced investors and those more tolerant of risk. He also covers dividend growth, Dogs of the Dow, and ETF sector rotation. In addition, he provides some free articles, weekly commentary for those that sign up for his newsletter, and a forum. The site dates back to 2016.

Blog Overview – The Blog Overview site provides a carefully curated list of the best investing blogs as well has other categories. The site dates back to 2021.

Hellosuckers Investments – This is a different type of blog by Martin from the U.S. The blog documents his trading of stocks, options, and futures. As such, it is more for advanced investors and those more tolerant of risk. However, he does invest in dividend growth stocks as well. The blog dates back to 2013.

MoneyAhoy – This blog is owned by Derek, who is on a journey to become wealthy. The website is devoted to saving and making money and investing ideas. He shares his financial successes and failures with his readers, hoping they can learn from his experiences. The site dates back to 2013.

Money Mentor – Money Mentor is dedicated to earning, saving, and investing money. Phil and Gemma run the site from the UK. Their focus is financial literacy and knowledge about money issues. The site dates back to 2020.

MoneyMiniBlog – Short, sweet & simple articles on money and productivity. The site dates back to 2013.

The Small Investor – The Small Investor is blog that shares tips on personal finance and investing. The blog is owned and run by Joseph Sheeley, a Ph.D. and scientist. His goal is to teach other how to invest and build wealth so they can reach financial independence. This is one of the oldest investing blogs dating back to 2010.

#investing -The site is known as Hashtag Investing and is operated by Harvi. This Canadian site’s mission is to “create an extremely strong community.” There is a paid membership, although there are also free articles on the site. Once you pay, you are granted access to a Slack channel where you can discuss US and Canadian stocks and options.

Thanks for taking a look at Dividend Power’s list of Investing and Financial Independence Blogs!